Aug 2, 2010

Page Fortysix album

Three weeks ago I sat down at a table on the upper floor of the Java Dock, opened my laptop, and began working on this.

GMA by Page Fortysix

I finished it last weekend – kind of (there are still some nagging transitions I could work on) –at another coffee shop with a mug of Earl Grey and an emergency paperback. After about five hours of working on it today, it's turned into this song. Here I am, five hours after that (can't fall asleep yet) uploading it and sharing it here. I realize I do this a lot, but even now it amazes me that it's possible to keep what amounts to half a recording studio in a messenger bag.

The song is going to be on our first release, which has no name, as far as it's come. That's fine, because we haven't even finished writing for it yet, and we have a lot to do, but here you go. Take it how you will; there will be an album.

This track is way too long, but I couldn't resist. I am aware of this problem and am working to find a solution. Peace.

Mar 12, 2010

Hello hello hello, my brothers

I'm truly not a blogger. This is really becoming more and more apparent to me as time passes and posts become less and less frequent. It isn't cause I have nothing to write about, but because I am way too busy to write it, and when I'm not working, I'd rather be playing video games.

That's why, on the recommendation of a friend who also would rather be playing videogames, I went to the store last week and picked up my copy of Battlefield: Bad Company II.

Yeah, but I'm not a game critic either, so...
This week in SE Wisco...

I've noticed a new shift in the energy here lately. It has left from being a working class, apeshit, alcoholic kind of vibe and transitioned into some kind of more mature, purposeful, creativistic, soul-centered, even entrepreneurial scene. The kids are growing up and figuring out how most of the world does reality, and applying this to some serious life skills. The next big thing musos I grew up with in 2004 and geeked out over in 2007 are all old and wise musicians with albums and international airtime and they've earned it, by putting more good solid work into their art than I can claim to have done in the time I've known them. Better still the fear-mongering and the end-of-the-world-ness and stuff is disappearing. People have more important things to do these days, and it's fortunate, even though it's kind of not. Here's why:

Humans are highly susceptible to entropy whenever the situation is positive and they are well provided for. It's an unpleasant fact of the day to day – we are sort of blind to everything we gained on our way to the present, and we forget all the good stuff when it starts to blend in with the flow every morning. It's like our new toys just got old. It unfortunately takes a hearty punch to our ample paunch to make us appreciate it all over again; it resets our expectations back to zero. The upside of getting knocked down is the period of recovery after you get back up leaves you feeling that much more alive.

So it's cool to see a lot of that recovery happening right now in the local. I've been involved in – in actuality, a co-owner of – a small business for a year now fixing peoples' unhealthy PCs and selling original local art and generally being a one-stop shop for computer needs and a community touchstone. I've seen a lot of shops come and go in the last year, but more are appearing week after week, and the ones that stick around are invariably the ones that attract customers because of their uniqueness, friendly service, and community ties (for-real community ties, not fake Pick 'n' Save community ties). In fact, even though a lot of businesses aren't making it, and many people are still struggling to land jobs, the real gold is that people are taking this on as a challenge, not talking about giving up, and they are conquering their setbacks in some really unexpected ways. See, that's how the world really works; you can't plan a blessed thing, but if you keep an open mind, you will find what you need.

Shows this month:

Tons of stuff happening at the Borg Ward in Milwaukee various evenings this month, starting tomorrow (the 13th) with Young Widows, Phantom Family Halo, My Disco, Maidens – all sounds really good and three of these bands are on tour together.
823 W National Ave MKE WI

Early next month (April the 3rd to be exact) Glenview Lane (of local newsrag fame) are playing a set at Live On North along with several other bands TBA in honor of the new season. Glenview Lane are cool, don't mess with them. They make quiet, earnest power pop in upper Ozaukee County.

That's all I know about this week. See you soon and be good.